JICA報告書PDF版(JICA Report PDF) |
農業水利,農業用水,灌漑排水 |
ジャマイカ |
書名 (Title) | 出版者 (Publisher) | 刊行年月 (Published year/month) |
ジャマイカ国リオ・コブレ農業開発計画事前調査報告書. - | 国際協力事業団 | 1986.1 |
Feasibility report on the Modernization and Expansion of the Rio Cobre Irrigation Scheme ; Vol. 1. - Main report | Japan International Cooperation Agency | 1987.6 |
Feasibility report on the Modernization and Expansion of the Rio Cobre Irrigation Scheme ; Vol. 2. - Annex report | Japan International Cooperation Agency | 1987.6 |
Feasibility report on the Modernization and Expansion of the Rio Cobre Irrigation Scheme ; Vol. 3. - Drawings | Japan International Cooperation Agency | 1987.6 |
ジャマイカ国リオ・コブレ農業開発計画実施調査主報告書. - | 国際協力事業団 | 1987.6 |