JICA報告書PDF版(JICA Report PDF) |
運輸,交通,通信 Transportation and communication services |
ベトナム Viet Nam |
書名 (Title)
| 出版者 (Publisher)
| 刊行年月 (Published year/month)
ヴィエトナム社会主義共和国 運輸交通開発戦略調査事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1998.10
ヴィエトナム国 運輸交通開発戦略調査(VITRANSS)最終報告書 要約. -
| 国際協力事業団 : アルメック : パシフィックコンサルタンツインターナショナル
| 2000.7
The study on the national transport development strategy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (VITRANSS) final report : summary. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2000.7
The study on the national transport development strategy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (VITRANSS) final report : main text ; Vol. 1. -Existing conditions and issues
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2000.7
The study on the national transport development strategy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (VITRANSS) final report : main text ; Vol. 2. -Transport demand forecast
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2000.7
The study on the national transport development strategy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (VITRANSS) final report : main text ; Vol. 3. -Transport sector strategy and master plan
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2000.7
The study on the national transport development strategy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (VITRANSS) : technical report ; No. 1. -Transport surveys and database
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2000.7
The study on the national transport development strategy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (VITRANSS) : appendix to technical report ; No. 1. -JICA strada traini[n]g material
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2000.7
The study on the national transport development strategy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (VITRANSS) : technical report ; No. 2. -Main commodities analysis and freight transport
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2000.7
The study on the national transport development strategy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (VITRANSS) : technical report ; No. 3. -Transport cost and pricing in Vietnam
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2000.7
The study on the national transport development strategy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (VITRANSS) : technical report ; No. 4. -Transport sector institutions
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2000.7
The study on the national transport development strategy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (VITRANSS) : technical report ; No. 5. -Road and road transport
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2000.7
The study on the national transport development strategy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (VITRANSS) : technical report ; No. 6. -Railway
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2000.7
The study on the national transport development strategy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (VITRANSS) : technical report ; No. 7. -Inland waterway
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2000.7
The study on the national transport development strategy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (VITRANSS) : technical report ; No. 8. -Port and shipping
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2000.7
The study on the national transport development strategy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (VITRANSS) : technical report ; No. 9. -Air transport
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2000.7
The study on the national transport development strategy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (VITRANSS) : technical report ; No. 10. -Rural transport and cross border transport
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2000.7
The study on the national transport development strategy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (VITRANSS) : technical report ; No. 11. -Environment
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2000.7
The study on the national transport development strategy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (VITRANSS) : technical report ; No. 12. -Transport sector funding
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2000.7
Nghien cuu Chien luoc Phat trien Giao thong Van tai Quoc gia tai nuoc Cong hoa xhcn Viet Nam (VITRANSS) bao cao cuoi cung : bao cao tom tat. -
| Co quan Hop tac Quoc te Nhat Ban : Cong ty ALMEC : Ct Tu van Quoc te Thai Binh Duong
| 2000.7
Nghien cuu Chien luoc Phat trien Giao thong Van tai Quoc gia tai nuoc Cong hoa xhcn Viet Nam (VITRANSS) bao cao cuoi cung : bao cao chinh ; Tap 1. -Hien trang va cac van de
| Co quan Hop tac Quoc te Nhat Ban : Cong ty ALMEC : Ct Tu van Quoc te Thai Binh Duong
| 2000.7
Nghien cuu Chien luoc Phat trien Giao thong Van tai Quoc gia tai nuoc Cong hoa xhcn Viet Nam (VITRANSS) bao cao cuoi cung : bao cao chinh ; Tap 2. -Du bao nhu cau van tai
| Co quan Hop tac Quoc te Nhat Ban : Cong ty ALMEC : Ct Tu van Quoc te Thai Binh Duong
| 2000.7
Nghien cuu Chien luoc Phat trien Giao thong Van tai Quoc gia tai nuoc Cong hoa xhcn Viet Nam (VITRANSS) bao cao cuoi cung : bao cao chinh ; Tap 3. -Chien luoc va qh tong the nganh giao thong van tai
| Co quan Hop tac Quoc te Nhat Ban : Cong ty ALMEC : Ct Tu van Quoc te Thai Binh Duong
| 2000.7
べトナム国 持続可能な総合運輸交通開発戦略策定調査(VITRANSS2)事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構社会開発部
| 2007.10
べトナム国 持続可能な総合運輸交通開発戦略策定調査(VITRANSS2)最終報告書 要約. -
| 国際協力機構 : アルメック : オリエンタルコンサルタンツ : 日本工営
| 2010.5
べトナム国 持続可能な総合運輸交通開発戦略策定調査(VITRANSS2)南北高速道路マスタープラン 要約. -
| 国際協力機構 : アルメック : オリエンタルコンサルタンツ : 日本工営
| 2010.5
The comprehensive study on the sustainable development of transport system in Vietnam (VITRANSS 2) final report : summary. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 2010.5
The comprehensive study on the sustainable development of transport system in Vietnam (VITRANSS 2) final report : main text. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 2010.5
The comprehensive study on the sustainable development of transport system in Vietnam (VITRANSS 2) :subsector report ; No. 1. -Road and road transport
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 2010.5
The comprehensive study on the sustainable development of transport system in Vietnam (VITRANSS 2) :subsector report ; No. 2. -Railway
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 2010.5
The comprehensive study on the sustainable development of transport system in Vietnam (VITRANSS 2) :subsector report ; No. 3. -Port and shipping
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 2010.5
The comprehensive study on the sustainable development of transport system in Vietnam (VITRANSS 2) :subsector report ; No. 4. -Inland waterway transportation
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 2010.5
The comprehensive study on the sustainable development of transport system in Vietnam (VITRANSS 2) :subsector report ; No. 6. - Institutions
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 2010.5
The comprehensive study on the sustainable development of transport system in Vietnam (VITRANSS 2) :subsector report ; No. 7. -Environment
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 2010.5
The comprehensive study on the sustainable development of transport system in Vietnam (VITRANSS 2) North-South Expressway master plan : summary. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 2010.5
The comprehensive study on the sustainable development of transport system in Vietnam (VITRANSS 2) North-South Expressway master plan : main text. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 2010.5
The comprehensive study on the sustainable development of transport system in Vietnam (VITRANSS 2) North-South Expressway master plan : ITS master plan. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 2010.5
Nghien cuu toan dien ve phat trien ben vung he thong giao thong van tai Viet Nam (VITRANSS 2) bao cao cuoi cung : tom tat. -
| Co quan hop tac quoc te Nhat Ban : Cong ty ALMEC : Cong ty tu van Phuong Dong : Cong ty Nippon Koei
| 2010.5
Nghien cuu toan dien ve phat trien ben vung he thong giao thong van tai Viet Nam (VITRANSS 2) bao cao cuoi cung : bao cao chinh. -
| Co quan hop tac quoc te Nhat Ban : Cong ty ALMEC : Cong ty tu van Phuong Dong : Cong ty Nippon Koei
| 2010.5
Nghien cuu toan dien ve phat trien ben vung he thong giao thong van tai Viet Nam (VITRANSS 2) : baocao chuyen nganh ; So 1. -Duong bo va van tai duong bo
| Co quan hop tac quoc te Nhat Ban : Cong ty ALMEC : Cong ty tu van Phuong Dong : Cong ty Nippon Koei
| 2010.5
Nghien cuu toan dien ve phat trien ben vung he thong giao thong van tai Viet Nam (VITRANSS 2) : baocao chuyen nganh ; So 2. -Duong sat
| Co quan hop tac quoc te Nhat Ban : Cong ty ALMEC : Cong ty tu van Phuong Dong : Cong ty Nippon Koei
| 2010.5
Nghien cuu toan dien ve phat trien ben vung he thong giao thong van tai Viet Nam (VITRANSS 2) : baocao chuyen nganh ; So 3. -Cang va van tai bien
| Co quan hop tac quoc te Nhat Ban : Cong ty ALMEC : Cong ty tu van Phuong Dong : Cong ty Nippon Koei
| 2010.5
Nghien cuu toan dien ve phat trien ben vung he thong giao thong van tai Viet Nam (VITRANSS 2) : baocao chuyen nganh ; So 4. -Duong thuy noi dia
| Co quan hop tac quoc te Nhat Ban : Cong ty ALMEC : Cong ty tu van Phuong Dong : Cong ty Nippon Koei
| 2010.5
Nghien cuu toan dien ve phat trien ben vung he thong giao thong van tai Viet Nam (VITRANSS 2) : baocao chuyen nganh ; So 6. -The che
| Co quan hop tac quoc te Nhat Ban : Cong ty ALMEC : Cong ty tu van Phuong Dong : Cong ty Nippon Koei
| 2010.5
Nghien cuu toan dien ve phat trien ben vung he thong giao thong van tai Viet Nam (VITRANSS 2) quy hoach tong the Duong bo cao toc Bac Nam : tom tat. -
| Co quan hop tac quoc te Nhat Ban : Cong ty ALMEC : Cong ty tu van Phuong Dong : Cong ty Nippon Koei
| 2010.5
Nghien cuu toan dien ve phat trien ben vung he thong giao thong van tai Viet Nam (VITRANSS 2) quy hoach tong the Duong bo cao toc Bac Nam : bao cao chinh. -
| Co quan hop tac quoc te Nhat Ban : Cong ty ALMEC : Cong ty tu van Phuong Dong : Cong ty Nippon Koei
| 2010.5
Nghien cuu toan dien ve phat trien ben vung he thong giao thong van tai Viet Nam (VITRANSS 2) quy hoach tong the Duong bo cao toc Bac Nam : he thong giao thong thong minh. -
| Co quan hop tac quoc te Nhat Ban : Cong ty ALMEC : Cong ty tu van Phuong Dong : Cong ty Nippon Koei
| 2010.5
ベトナム社会主義共和国 3PL事業による企業・最終消費者への「安全・安心な物流インフラストラクチャー」提供事業調査(中小企業連携促進). -
| 国際協力機構 : 月島倉庫 : フォーバル
| 2013.3
Socialist Republic of Vietnam, survey on 3PL (third party logistics) transportation system. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Tsukishima Soko Co., Ltd. : Forval Co., Ltd.
| 2013.3
ベトナム社会主義共和国 輸入石炭中継基地事業準備調査(PPPインフラ事業)報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : 住友商事 : 日本工営
| 2015.3
Feasibility study on the coal transshipment terminal project for thermal power centers in the MekongDelta in the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam : final report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Sumitomo Corporation : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 2015.3
ベトナム社会主義共和国 カイメップ港の機能向上に向けた物流サービス提供のための案件化調査業務完了報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : 白金運輸
| 2016.7
ベトナム国 持続可能な運輸交通開発戦略に係る情報収集・確認調査(VITRANSS 3)最終報告書・要約. -
| 国際協力機構 : アルメック VPI : オリエンタルコンサルタンツグローバル : 日本工営 : 国際臨海開発研究センター
| 2021.11
ベトナム国 持続可能な運輸交通開発戦略に係る情報収集・確認調査(VITRANSS 3)最終報告書・本編. -
| 国際協力機構 : アルメック VPI : オリエンタルコンサルタンツグローバル : 日本工営 : 国際臨海開発研究センター
| 2021.11
Data collection survey for sustainable transport development strategy in Vietnam (VITRANSS 3) final report : summary. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Oriental Consultants Global Co., Ltd. : Overseas Coastal Area Development Institute of Japan
| 2021.11
Data collection survey for sustainable transport development strategy in Vietnam (VITRANSS 3) final report : main text. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Oriental Consultants Global Co., Ltd. : Overseas Coastal Area Development Institute of Japan
| 2021.11
Khao sat thu thap du lieu cho chien luoc phat trien giao thong van tai ben vung o Viet Nam (VITRANSS 3) bao cao cuoi ky : tom tat. -
| Co quan Hop tac Quoc te Nhat Ban : Cong ty ALMEC : Cong ty Nippon Koei : Cong ty Oriental Consultants Global : Vien Phat trien Ven bien Hai ngoại Nhat Ban (OCDI)
| 2021.11
Khao sat thu thap du lieu cho chien luoc phat trien giao thong van tai ben vung o Viet Nam (VITRANSS 3) bao cao cuoi ky : thuyet minh tong hop. -
| Co quan Hop tac Quoc te Nhat Ban : Cong ty ALMEC : Cong ty Nippon Koei : Cong ty Oriental Consultants Global : Vien Phat trien Ven bien Hai ngoại Nhat Ban (OCDI)
| 2021.11
ベトナム国メコンデルタ地域における地域経済開発に資する運輸交通ネットワークに係る情報収集・確認調査ファイナル・レポート. -
| 国際協力機構 : アルメック VPI : 日本工営 : 長大
| 2023.4
Data collection survey on transportation network for regional economic development in Mekong Delta : final Report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : ALMEC Corp. : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 2023.4
Khao sat thu thap so lieu vi mang luoi gtvt phuc vu pha trien kinh te vung dong bang song cou long : bao cao cuoi kv. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Cong ty ALMEC : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Cong ty TNHH Chodai
| 2023.4