JICA報告書PDF版(JICA Report PDF) |
採鉱,選鉱 Exploitation. Ore dressing |
ラオス Laos |
書名 (Title)
| 出版者 (Publisher)
| 刊行年月 (Published year/month)
ラオス人民民主共和国 鉱業分野投資促進のための地質・鉱物資源情報整備プロジェクト調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構経済開発部
| 2006.2
ラオス国 鉱業分野投資促進のための地質・鉱物資源情報整備計画調査ファイナルレポート. -
| 国際協力機構 : 三菱マテリアルテクノ : 国際航業
| 2008.10
The geological mapping and mineral information service project for promotion of mining industry in the Lao People's Democratic Republic : final report ; Vol. 1. -Summary
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Mitsubishi Materials Techno Corp. : Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd.
| 2008.10
The geological mapping and mineral information service project for promotion of mining industry in the Lao People's Democratic Republic : final report ; Vol. 2. -Main report
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Mitsubishi Materials Techno Corp. : Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd.
| 2008.10
ラオス国 鉱物資源開発計画第二次調査報告書. -
| 海外技術協力事業団
| 1968.3
ラオス国 鉱物資源開発計画調査報告書. -
| 海外技術協力事業団
| 1967.3
Rapport des deuxieme investigations pour le plan d'exploration des ressources minieres du Laos. -
| [Overseas Technical Cooperation Agency] : Gouvernement du Japan
| 1968.3
Explanatory notes for the geological and mineral resources map of Lao People's Democratic Republic, 1:1,000,000 : the geological mapping and mineral information service project for promotion of mining industry in the Lao PDR (2006-2008). -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Dept. of Geology (DGEO), Ministry of Energy and Mines : Dept. of Mines (DOM), Ministry of Energy and Mines
| [2008.10]
Geology of the Attapu District : report on geology of the Attapu District : geological sheet map, 1:200,000 : topographic map no.: D-48-XI : [the geological mapping and mineral information service project for promotion of mining industry in the Lao PDR (2006-2008)]. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Dept. of Geology, Ministry of Energy and Mines
| 2008.1
Geology of the B. Dakyoy District : report on geology of the B. Dakyoy District : geological sheet map, 1:200,000 : topographic map no.: D-48-XII : [the geological mapping and mineral information service project for promotion of mining industry in the Lao PDR (2006-2008)]. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Dept. of Geology, Ministry of Energy and Mines
| 2008.1