JICA報告書PDF版(JICA Report PDF) |
通信工業,電気通信 |
アジア |
書名 (Title) | 出版者 (Publisher) | 刊行年月 (Published year/month) |
[Report on the establishment of electronic and navigation aid systems project] : Dacca. - | Japan International Cooperation Agency | [1978] |
[Report on the establishment of electronic and navigation aid systems project] : Loran-C. - | Japan International Cooperation Agency | [1978] |
[Report on the establishment of electronic and navigation aid systems project] : Site plan - Malacca / Singapore Straits. - | Japan International Cooperation Agency | [1978] |
[Report on the establishment of electronic and navigation aid systems project] : Site plan, Malacca / Singapore Lombok / Makassar Straits. - | Japan International Cooperation Agency | [1978] |
The route survey report of the ASEAN Submarine Cable Project : Thailand-Malaysia-Singapore Route. - | Japan International Cooperation Agency | 1978.9 |