JICA報告書PDF版(JICA Report PDF) |
公害,環境工学 Pollution. Environmental engineering |
ネパール Nepal |
書名 (Title)
| 出版者 (Publisher)
| 刊行年月 (Published year/month)
国別環境情報整備報告書(ネパール). -
| 国際協力事業団企画部
| 1997.3
ネパール国 ポカラ・フェワ湖環境保全計画調査(在外開発調査)最終報告書 要約. -
| 国際協力事業団ネパール事務所 : SILTコンサルタント
| 2002.3
Final report on the development study on the environmental conservation of Phewa Lake in Pokhara, Nepal ; Vol. 1. -Executive summary
| Nepal Office, Japan International Cooperation Agency : SILT Consultants (P) Ltd.
| 2002.3
Final report on the development study on the environmental conservation of Phewa Lake in Pokhara, Nepal ; Vol. 2. -Main report
| Nepal Office, Japan International Cooperation Agency : SILT Consultants (P) Ltd.
| 2002.3
Final report on the development study on the environmental conservation of Phewa Lake in Pokhara, Nepal ; Vol. 3. -Annexes
| Nepal Office, Japan International Cooperation Agency : SILT Consultants (P) Ltd.
| 2002.3
Poverty reduction through sustainable management of protected areas and wetlands in Nepal : processes, modalities, impacts and identification of areas for future support ; Vol. 1. -Main report
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : NARMA Consultancy Private Ltd.
| 2004.3
Poverty reduction through sustainable management of protected areas and wetlands in Nepal : processes, modalities, impacts and identification of areas for future support ; Vol. 2. -Annexes
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : NARMA Consultancy Private Ltd.
| 2004.3
Profile on environmental and social considerations in Nepal. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 2013.1
ネパール国 食用油による健康被害改善に係る品質改善技術の導入に向けた案件化調査業務完了報告書 [電子資料]. -
| 国際協力機構 : 辻製油
| 2023.6