JICA報告書PDF版(JICA Report PDF) |
衛生工学,都市工学 Sanitary and municipal engineering |
マケドニア旧ユーゴスラビア共和国 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia |
書名 (Title)
| 出版者 (Publisher)
| 刊行年月 (Published year/month)
マケドニア国 全国総合水資源開発・管理計画調査最終報告書 要約. -
| 国際協力事業団 : 日本工営 : コーエイ総合研究所
| 1999.5
The study on integrated water resources development and management master plan in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia : final report ; Vol. 1. -Executive summary
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : KRI International Corp.
| 1999.5
The study on integrated water resources development and management master plan in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia : final report ; Vol. 2. -Main report
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : KRI International Corp.
| 1999.5
The study on integrated water resources development and management master plan in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia : final report ; Vol. 3. -Supporting report 1 : sector study on current conditions
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : KRI International Corp.
| 1999.5
The study on integrated water resources development and management master plan in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia : final report ; Vol. 4. -Supporting report 2 : water demand projection andwater balance study
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : KRI International Corp.
| 1999.5
The study on integrated water resources development and management master plan in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia : final report ; Vol. 5. -Supporting report 3 : proposed projects and project evaluation
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : KRI International Corp.
| 1999.5
The study on integrated water resources development and management master plan in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia : final report ; Vol. 6-1. -Date book : rainfall and discharge records
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : KRI International Corp.
| 1999.5
The study on integrated water resources development and management master plan in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia : final report ; Vol. 6-2. -Date book : results of water balance study
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : KRI International Corp.
| 1999.5
The study on integrated water resources development and management master plan in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia : final report (translated title) ; Vol. 1. -Executive summary
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : KRI International Corp.
| 1999.5
The study on integrated water resources development and management master plan in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia : final report (translated title) ; Vol. 2. -Main report
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : KRI International Corp.
| 1999.5
マケドニア旧ユーゴスラビア共和国 スコピエ周辺地域給水改善計画基本設計調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団 : パシフィック コンサルタンツ インターナショナル
| 2003.8
Basic design study report on the project for improvement of water supply in inhabited places in Skopje outskirts in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Pacific Consultants International
| 2003.8
マケドニア旧ユーゴスラビア共和国 スコピエ下水道改善計画調査事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構地球環境部
| 2007.5
マケドニア旧ユーゴスラビア共和国 スコピエ下水道改善計画調査最終報告書 和文要約. -
| 国際協力機構 : 東京設計事務所 : 建設技研インターナショナル
| 2009.6
マケドニア旧ユーゴスラビア共和国 スコピエ下水道改善計画調査最終報告書 メインレポート. -
| 国際協力機構 : 東京設計事務所 : 建設技研インターナショナル
| 2009.6
The study on wastewater management in Skopje in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia final report :summary. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Tokyo Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd. : CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd.
| 2009.6
The study on wastewater management in Skopje in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia final report :main report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Tokyo Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd. : CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd.
| 2009.6
The study on wastewater management in Skopje in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia final report :appendix ; 1. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Tokyo Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd. : CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd.
| 2009.6
The study on wastewater management in Skopje in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia final report :appendix ; 2. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Tokyo Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd. : CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd.
| 2009.6
The study on wastewater management in Skopje in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia final report :appendix ; 3. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Tokyo Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd. : CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd.
| 2009.6
マケドニア共和国・アルバニア共和国 廃棄物管理状況情報収集・確認調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構地球環境部
| 2013.5
マケドニア国 全国総合水資源開発・管理計画調査事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1997.10
マケドニア旧ユーゴスラビア共和国 オフリド湖下水処理施設改善事業準備調査ファイナル・レポート(先行公開版) [電子資料].
| 国際協力機構 : TECインターナショナル : 日本水工設計
| 2015.12
北マケドニア国 オフリド湖周辺地域での水環境管理に係る情報収集・確認調査ファイナル・レポート和文要約. -
| 国際協力機構 : TECインターナショナル : 日本水工設計
| 2022.1
Data collection survey on water environment management of Lake Ohrid's surronding area in the Republic of North Macedonia : final report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : TEC International Co., Ltd. : Nihon suiko sekkei Co., Ltd.
| 2022.1
Special assistance for project implementation (SAPI) on Zletovica water use improvement project in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia : final report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2014.9