JICA報告書PDF版(JICA Report PDF) |
衛生工学,都市工学 Sanitary and municipal engineering |
ケニア Kenya |
書名 (Title)
| 出版者 (Publisher)
| 刊行年月 (Published year/month)
Basic design study report on the water supply project for Eburru region in Republic of Kenya. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1985,2
ケニア共和国エブル地区生活用水供給計画基本設計調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1985.2
ケニア共和国タベタ・ルミ給水計画事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1987.6
ケニア共和国タベタ・ルミ給水計画基本設計調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1987.12
Basic design study on the Project for Taveta-Lumi Water Supply in the Republic of Kenya. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1987,12
Safe water supply detailed design survey under the communicable diseases research and control. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1983,3
ケニア共和国 モンバサ地区給水増強計画事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1979.11
Basic design study on Kajiado/Narok groundwater development. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1982,3
ケニア共和国 Kajiado-Narok地下水開発計画基本設計調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1982.3
上水道に関する専門家活動報告(ケニア) / 鈴木泰博著. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1984.3
ケニア共和国 伝染病研究対策安全水供給実施設計調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1983.3
帰国研修員フォロ-アップチーム報告書 公開技術セミナ- 経済開発(都市開発) ; 昭和61年度. -
| 国際協力事業団研修事業部
| 1987.4
ケニア国 全国水資源開発計画調査事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1989.10
ケニア国全国水資源開発計画調査要約報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1992.7
The Study on the national water master plan. Executive summary. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,7
The Study on the national water master plan. Main report ; Vol. II. -Contents : Master action plan towards 2000. Part 1. National water master action plan.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,7
The Study on the national water master plan : main report ; Vol. 1. -Contents : Water resources development and use plan towards 2010.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992.7
The Study on the national water master plan : main report ; Vol. 3. -Contents : Master action plan towards 2000. Part 2. Action plan by province/district.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992.7
The Study on the national water master plan. Sectoral report ; (A). -Contents : Socio-Economy.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,7
The Study on the national water master plan. Sectoral Report ; (B). -Contents : Hydrology.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,7
The Study on the national water master plan. Sectoral Report ; (E). -Contents : Hydrology.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,7
The Study on the national water master plan. Sectoral Report ; (F). -Contents : Livestock, wildlifeand fishery.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,7
The Study on the national water master plan. Sectoral Report ; (G). -Contents : Flood control plan.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,7
The Study on the national water master plan. Sectoral Report ; (D). -Contents : Domestic and industrial water supply.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,7
The Study on the national water master plan : sectoral Report ; (C). -Contents : Groundwater resources.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992.7
The Study on the national water master plan. Sectoral report ; (H). -Contents : Dam development plan.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,7
The Study on the national water master plan. Sectoral report ; (J). -Contents : Dam Geology.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,7
The Study on the national water master plan. Sectoral report ; (K). -Contents : Topographic surveysof 11 damsites.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,7
The Study on the national water master plan. Sectoral report ; (L). -Contents : Power development plan.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,7
The Study on the national water master plan : sectoral report ; (M). -Contents : Integrated water resources development planning.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992.7
The Study on the national water master plan. Sectoral report ; (N). -Contents : Environmental conservation.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,7
The Study on the national water master plan. Sectoral report ; (P). -Contents : Laws and institutions.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,7
The Study on the national water master plan. Sectoral report ; (Q). -Contents : Database.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,7
The Study on the national water master plan. Sectoral report ; (R). -Contents : Remote sensing analysis.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,7
The Study on the national water master plan. Sectoral report ; (S). -Contents : Gis-Based analysis.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992.7
The Study on the national water master plan. Data book ; DB.1. -Contents : Hydrological data. (Studysupporting data).
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,7
The Study on the national water master plan. Data book ; DB.2. -Contents : Groundwater data. (Aquifer test and well survey).
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,7
The Study on the national water master plan. Data book ; DB.3. -Contents : Groundwater data. (Studysupporting data).
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,7
The Study on the national water master plan. Data book ; DB.4. -Contents : Topographic survey data.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,7
The Study on the national water master plan. Data book ; DB.5. -Contents : Inventory of irrigation/drainage scheme.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,7
The Study on the national water master plan. Data book ; DB.6. -Contents : Project sheet for urban water supply.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,7
ケニア国ナクル市下水道施設修復・拡張計画調査事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1993.4
ケニア共和国 カプサベット市給水計画事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1992.12
Nakuru sewage works rehabilitation and expansion project feasibility study : final report ; Vol. 1.-executive summary
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei
| 1994.3
Nakuru sewage works rehabilitation and expansion project feasibility study : final report ; Vol. 2.-Main report
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei
| 1994.3
Nakuru sewage works rehabilitation and expansion project feasibility study : final report ; Vol. 3.-Supporting report
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei
| 1994.3
Nakuru sewage works rehabilitation and expansion project feasibility study : final report ; Vol. 4.-Supporting report 2
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei
| 1994.3
ナクル市下水道施設修復・拡張計画調査最終報告書 要約. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1994.3
ケニア共和国 カプサベット市給水計画基本設計調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1993.11
Basic design study report on the project for the expansion of the Kapsabet water supply system in the Republic of Kenya. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon jogesuido sekkei
| 1993.11
Nakuru sewage works rehabilitation and expansion project feasibility study : final report ; Vol. 5.-Drawings
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei
| 1994.3
Feasibility study on water supply augmentation project of Mombasa-Coastal Area-Hinterland : final report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1981.9
ケニア共和国モンバサ地区給水増強計画調査最終報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1981.9
ケニア共和国 ナクル市下水道施設修復・拡張計画基本設計調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団 : 日本工営
| 1994.5
Basic design study report on the Nakuru sewage works rehabilitation and expansion project in the Republic of Kenya. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 1994.3
ケニア国 メルー郡給水計画調査事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1996.4
ケニア国 メルー郡給水計画調査最終報告書 要約. -
| 国際協力事業団 : 日本工営 : 日水コン
| 1997.10
The study on the water supply for seven towns in eastern province in the Republic of Kenya final report : summary report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Nihon Suido Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 1997.10
The study on the water supply for seven towns in eastern province in the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol. 1. -Main report
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Nihon Suido Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 1997.10
The study on the water supply for seven towns in eastern province in the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol. 2. -Supporting reports : appendix A-I
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Nihon Suido Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 1997.10
The study on the water supply for seven towns in eastern province in the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol. 3. -Supporting reports : appendix J-Q
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Nihon Suido Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 1997.10
The study on the water supply for seven towns in eastern province in the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol. 4. -Drawings
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Nihon Suido Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 1997.10
ケニア国 ナイロビ市廃棄物管理計画事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1997.2
アフリカ地域地下水開発・利用調査研究国別情報ファイル : ケニア. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1995.12
The study on solid waste management in Nairobi City in the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol. 7. -Drawings
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : CTI Engineering : Environmental Technology Consultants
| 1998.8
The study on solid waste management in Nairobi City in the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol. 4. -Supporting report
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : CTI Engineering : Environmental Technology Consultants
| 1998.8
The study on solid waste management in Nairobi City in the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol. 6. -Data book 2
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : CTI Engineering : Environmental Technology Consultants
| 1998.8
The study on solid waste management in Nairobi City in the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol. 2. -Main report (master plan study)
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : CTI Engineering : Environmental Technology Consultants
| 1998.8
The study on solid waste management in Nairobi City in the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol. 3. -Main report (feasibility study)
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : CTI Engineering : Environmental Technology Consultants
| 1998.8
The study on solid waste management in Nairobi City in the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol. 1. -Executive summary
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : CTI Engineering : Environmental Technology Consultants
| 1998.8
The study on solid waste management in Nairobi City in the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol. 5. -Data book (1)
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : CTI Engineering : Environmental Technology Consultants
| 1998.8
ケニア国 ナイロビ市廃棄物管理計画調査最終報告書 要約. -
| 国際協力事業団 : 建設技術研究所 : エンバーテック
| 1998.8
ケニア国 キスム市上下水道整備計画調査最終報告書 要約. -
| 国際協力事業団 : 日水コン : 日本工営
| 1998.9
The study on Kisumu water supply and sewerage system in the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol.1. -Executive summary
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nihon Suido Consultants : Nippon Koei
| 1998.9
The study on Kisumu water supply and sewerage system in the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol.2. -Master plan
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nihon Suido Consultants : Nippon Koei
| 1998.9
The study on Kisumu water supply and sewerage system in the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol.3. -Feasibility study of phase 1 project
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nihon Suido Consultants : Nippon Koei
| 1998.9
The study on Kisumu water supply and sewerage system in the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol.4. -Appendices (1)
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nihon Suido Consultants : Nippon Koei
| 1998.9
The study on Kisumu water supply and sewerage system in the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol.5. -Appendices (2)
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nihon Suido Consultants : Nippon Koei
| 1998.9
ケニア共和国 全国水資源開発計画アフターケア調査最終報告書 要約. -
| 国際協力事業団 : 日本工営 : 国際航業
| 1998.11
The aftercare study on the national water master plan in the Republic of Kenya : final report. -Mainreport
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei : Kokusai Kogyo
| 1998.11
The aftercare study on the national water master plan in the Republic of Kenya : final report. -Executive summary
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei : Kokusai Kogyo
| 1998.11
The aftercare study on the national water master plan in the Republic of Kenya : final report. -Databook
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei : Kokusai Kogyo
| 1998.11
The aftercare study on the national water master plan in the Republic of Kenya : final report. -Supporting report
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei : Kokusai Kogyo
| 1998.11
ケニア国全国水資源開発計画アフターケア調査事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1997.6
ケニア共和国 ライキピア県等地下水開発計画基本設計調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団 : 日本工営
| 1999.1
Basic design study report on the project for groundwater development in Laikipia and the surroundingareas of Samburu, Koibatek, and Baringo Districts in the Republic of Kenya. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 1999.1
ケニア国 キスム市上下水道整備計画調査事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1997.3
ケニア共和国 メルー市給水計画基本設計調査基本設計調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団 : 日本工営 : 日水コン
| 2001.3
Basic design study report on Meru water supply in the Republic of Kenya. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Nihon Suido Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2001.3
The study on institutional improvement and rehabilitation of water supply systems for 10 local townsin the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol. 1. -Executive summary
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Development Impact Consulting (DIC) : Engineering and Utility Management Ltd. (EUA) : Gibb Eastern Africa Ltd.
| 2001.2
The study on institutional improvement and rehabilitation of water supply systems for 10 local townsin the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol. 2A. -Main report (including appendices) : Narok Town
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Development Impact Consulting (DIC) : Engineering and Utility Management Ltd. (EAU) : Gibb Eastern Africa Ltd.
| 2001.2
The study on institutional improvement and rehabilitation of water supply systems for 10 local townsin the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol. 2B. -Main report (including appendices) : Meru Town
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Development Impact Consulting (DIC) : Engineering and Utility Management Ltd. (EAU) : Gibb Eastern Africa Ltd.
| 2001.2
The study on institutional improvement and rehabilitation of water supply systems for 10 local townsin the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol. 2C. -Main report (including appendices) : Murang'a Town
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Development Impact Consulting (DIC) : Engineering and Utility Management Ltd. (EAU) : Gibb Eastern Africa Ltd.
| 2001.2
The study on institutional improvement and rehabilitation of water supply systems for 10 local townsin the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol. 2D. -Main report (including appendices) : Kabarnet Town
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Development Impact Consulting (DIC) : Engineering and Utility Management Ltd. (EAU) : Gibb Eastern Africa Ltd.
| 2001.2
The study on institutional improvement and rehabilitation of water supply systems for 10 local townsin the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol. 2E. -Main report (including appendices) : Makindu Town
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Development Impact Consulting (DIC) : Engineering and Utility Management Ltd. (EAU) : Gibb Eastern Africa Ltd.
| 2001.2
The study on institutional improvement and rehabilitation of water supply systems for 10 local townsin the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol. 2F. -Main report (including appendices) : Wundanyi Town
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Development Impact Consulting (DIC) : Engineering and Utility Management Ltd. (EAU) : Gibb Eastern Africa Ltd.
| 2001.2
The study on institutional improvement and rehabilitation of water supply systems for 10 local townsin the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol. 2G. -Main report (including appendices) : Migori Town
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Development Impact Consulting (DIC) : Engineering and Utility Management Ltd. (EAU) : Gibb Eastern Africa Ltd.
| 2001.2
The study on institutional improvement and rehabilitation of water supply systems for 10 local townsin the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol. 2H. -Main report (including appendices) : Lamu Town
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Development Impact Consulting (DIC) : Engineering and Utility Management Ltd. (EAU) : Gibb Eastern Africa Ltd.
| 2001.2
The study on institutional improvement and rehabilitation of water supply systems for 10 local townsin the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol. 2I. -Main report (including appendices) : Webuye Town
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Development Impact Consulting (DIC) : Engineering and Utility Management Ltd. (EAU) : Gibb Eastern Africa Ltd.
| 2001.2
The study on institutional improvement and rehabilitation of water supply systems for 10 local townsin the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Vol. 2J. -Main report (including appendices) : Mumias Town
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Development Impact Consulting (DIC) : Engineering and Utility Management Ltd. (EAU) : Gibb Eastern Africa Ltd.
| 2001.2
ケニア共和国 「ナクル上下水道整備に係る合同評価」報告書(JBIC/JICA合同評価). -
| 国際協力事業団企画・評価部
| 2001.10
ケニア共和国 マチャコス県等地下水開発計画予備調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構
| 2004.1
ケニア共和国 マチャコス県等4県地下水開発計画基本設計調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : 日本工営 : 日本テクノ
| 2004.10
Basic design study report on the project for groundwater development in rural districts (Machakos, Kitui, Makueni and Mwingi) in the Republic of Kenya. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Japan Techno Co., Ltd.
| 2004.10
ケニア共和国 地方給水計画事業化調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構無償資金協力部
| 2006.7
The implementation review study report on the project for rural water supply in the Republic of Kenya. -
| Grant Aid Management Dept., Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 2006.7
ケニア国 カプサベット給水事業計画基本設計調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : エヌジェーエス・コンサルタンツ
| 2008.9
Basic design study report on the project for augmentation of water supply system in Kapsabet Town inthe Republic of Kenya. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : NJS Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2008.9
ケニア国 エンブ市上下水道整備計画予備調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構地球環境部
| 2008.11
ケニア国 エンブ市及び周辺地域給水システム改善計画準備調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : エヌジェーエス・コンサルタンツ
| 2010.5
Basic design study report on the project for improvement of water supply system in Embu and surrounding areas in the Republic of Kenya. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : NJS Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2010.5
The basic design study report on the project for improvement of water supply system in Embu and surrounding areas in the Republic of Kenya : final report attached appendix ; 5. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : NJS Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2010.5
ケニア国 ナイロビ市統合的廃棄物管理計画にかかる協力プログラム 準備調査最終報告書 要約. -
| 国際協力機構 : 建設技研インターナショナル : エヌジェーエス・コンサルタンツ
| 2010.10
Preparatory survey for integrated solid waste management in Nairobi City in the Republic of Kenya :final report ; Vol. 1. -Executive summary
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd. : NJS Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2010.10
Preparatory survey for integrated solid waste management in Nairobi City in the Republic of Kenya :final report ; Vol. 2. -Main report
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd. : NJS Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2010.10
Preparatory survey for integrated solid waste management in Nairobi City in the Republic of Kenya :final report ; Vol. 3. -Supporting report
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd. : NJS Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2010.10
Preparatory survey for integrated solid waste management in Nairobi City in the Republic of Kenya :final report ; Vol. 4. -Data book
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd. : NJS Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2010.10
ケニア共和国 大バリンゴ県太陽光を用いた村落給水計画協力準備調査(その1)報告書. -
| 国際協力機構地球環境部
| 2010.7
ケニア国 無収水管理プロジェクト第一次・第二次詳細計画策定調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構地球環境部
| 2009.3
ケニア共和国 地方給水計画事業化調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : 日本工営
| 2011.2
ケニア共和国 地方給水計画事業化調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : 日本工営
| 2011.2
The implementation review study report on the project for rural water supply in the Republic of Kenya. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 2011.2
ケニア共和国 バリンゴ地域村落給水計画準備調査(その2)報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : 建設技研インターナショナル : OYOインターナショナル
| 2011.11
ケニア共和国 バリンゴ地域村落給水計画準備調査(その2)報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : 建設技研インターナショナル : OYOインターナショナル
| 2011.11
The second preparatory survey on the project for rural water supply in Baringo County in the Republic of Kenya. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd. : OYO International Corp.
| 2011.11
ケニア共和国 ナイロビ市廃棄物管理能力向上プロジェクト詳細計画策定調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構地球環境部
| 2012.1
ケニア共和国 ナイロビ市都市開発マスタープラン策定プロジェクト詳細計画策定調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構経済基盤開発部
| 2012.9
ケニア国 ナロック給水拡張計画準備調査調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : エヌジェーエス・コンサルタンツ
| 2012.12
ケニア国 ナロック給水拡張計画準備調査調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : エヌジェーエス・コンサルタンツ
| 2012.12
Preparatory survey report on the project for augmentation of water supply system in Narok town in the Republic of Kenya. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : NJS Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2012.12
ケニア国 無収水管理プロジェクト中間レビュー調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構地球環境部
| 2012.12
ケニア国 無収水管理プロジェクト終了時評価調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構地球環境部
| 2014.4
ケニア国 無収水管理プロジェクト事業完了報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : 中央開発 : 東京水道サービス
| 2014.10
The project for management of non-revenue water in Kenya : project completion report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Chuo Kaihatsu Corporation : Tokyo Waterworks service Co., Ltd.
| 2014.10
ケニア国 ナイロビ市都市開発マスタープラン策定プロジェクト最終報告書(和文要約). -
| 国際協力機構 : 日本工営 : 国際開発センター : エイト日本技術開発
| 2014.12
The project on integrated urban development master plan for the city of Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Pt.1. -Current conditions
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : IDCJ Inc. : EJEC Inc.
| 2014.12
The project on integrated urban development master plan for the city of Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Pt.2. -The master plan
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : IDCJ Inc. : EJEC Inc.
| 2014.12
The project on integrated urban development master plan for the city of Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya : final report ; Pt.3. -Appendix
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : IDCJ Inc. : EJEC Inc.
| 2014.12
ケニア共和国 ナイロビ市廃棄物管理能力向上プロジェクト中間レビュー調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構地球環境部
| 2014.4
ケニア国 ナイロビ市廃棄物管理能力向上プロジェクトプロジェクト業務完了報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : 建設技研インターナショナル : エックス都市研究所 : 北九州国際技術協力協会
| 2016.3
Project for capacity development of solid waste management of Nairobi city : completion report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd. : EX Corporation : Kitakyushu International Techno-cooperative Association
| 2016.3
ケニア国 無収水削減能力向上プロジェクト詳細計画策定調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構地球環境部
| 2015.12
ケニア国 非都市部における水資源保全と衛生環境改善のための循環型無水トイレシステム普及促進事業報告書(先行公開版). -
| 国際協力機構 : LIXIL
| 2016.3
Collaboration program with the private sector for disseminating Japanese technology for ecological sanitation system for watershed management and improving hygienic environment in non-urban area : final report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : LIXIL Corporation
| 2016.3
ケニア共和国 ナイロビ市廃棄物管理能力向上プロジェクト終了時評価調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構地球環境部
| 2016.3
ケニア国 都市部における水資源確保と水環境改善のための超節水型トイレシステム普及促進事業業務完了報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : LIXIL
| 2017.5
Collaboration program with the private sector for disseminating Japanese technology for micro flush toilet system for watershed management and improvement of water environment in urban areas, Kenya : final report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : LIXIL Corp.
| 2017.5
ケニア国 モンバサゲートシティ総合都市開発マスタープランプロジェクトファイナルレポート 和文要約. -
| 国際協力機構 : 日本工営 : パデコ : エイト日本技術開発
| 2018.3
Project for formulation of comprehensive development master plan in the Mombasa gate city in the Republic of Kenya : final report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : PADECO Co., Ltd. : Eight Japan Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2018.3
ケニア国 バイオマス炭化装置を用いた有機廃棄物処理技術展開に関する案件化調査業務完了報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : 明和工業
| 2018.1
ケニア国 水道施設における無収水対策に係る基礎調査業務業務完了報告書[電子資料]. -
| 国際協力機構 : 川西水道機器
| 2020.7
ケニア国 使用済みペットボトル再資源化のための案件化調査業務完了報告書[電子資料]. -
| 国際協力機構 : トベ商事
| 2021.1
ケニア国 都市給水における資金協力有効活用のための情報収集・確認調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : デロイトトーマツファイナンシャルアドバイザリー : 日水コン
| 2021.8
ケニア国 都市給水における資金協力有効活用のための情報収集・確認調査報告書 別冊. -
| 国際協力機構 : デロイトトーマツファイナンシャルアドバイザリー : 日水コン
| 2021.8
ケニア国 水道施設における無収水対策・管継手導入に係る案件化調査業務完了報告書[電子資料]. -
| 国際協力機構 : 川西水道機器
| 2022.7
ケニア共和国 無収水削減能力向上プロジェクトプロジェクト事業完了報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : 協和コンサルタンツ : 東京水道
| 2022.8
Project for strengthening capacity in non-revenue water reduction in the Republic of Kenya : project completion report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Kyowa Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd. : Tokyo Waterworks Co., Ltd.
| 2022.8
Republic of Kenya, project for strengthening capacity of water service providers on formulating bankable project plans : detailed planning survey completion report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory Llc. : Nihon Suido Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2022.12
ケニア国 水道事業体の融資可能な事業形成能力強化プロジェクト詳細計画策定調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : 日本工営 : デロイトトーマツファイナンシャルアドバイザリー : 日水コン
| 2022.12
ケニア国 高濁度・水質変動対応型浄水技術普及促進事業業務完了報告書[電子資料]. -
| 国際協力機構 : 三菱ケミカルアクア・ソリューションズ
| 2024.4
ケニア国 鉛蓄電池の耐用年数延伸に関する案件化調査業務完了報告書[電子資料]. -
| 国際協力機構 : ジン・プロダクトライン
| 2024.4