JICA報告書PDF版(JICA Report PDF) |
衛生工学,都市工学 Sanitary and municipal engineering |
パプアニューギニア Papua New Guinea |
書名 (Title)
| 出版者 (Publisher)
| 刊行年月 (Published year/month)
パプア・ニューギニア国ポートモレスビー市上水道整備計画調査事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1992.6
パプアニューギニア国ポートモレスビー市上水道整備計画調査緊急改善プロジェクト部分基本設計レベル調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1994.3
The study on the Port Moresby water supply development plan in Papua New Guinea : final report : immediate remedial measures. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Tokyo Engineering Consultants
| 1994,3
The study on the Port Moresby water supply development plan in Papua New Guinea : final report : appendix. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Tokyo Engineering Consultants
| 1994,3
The study on the Port Moresby water supply development plan in Papua New Guinea : final report : summary. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Tokyo Engineering Consultants
| 1994,3
The study on the Port Moresby water supply development plan in Papua New Guinea : final report : main report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Tokyo Engineering Consultants
| 1994,3
パプアニューギニア国ポートモレスビー市上水道整備計画調査報告書要約. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1994.3
パプアニューギニア国ポートモレスビー市下水道整備計画事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1997.2
The study on sewerage system of Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea. -Summary report
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Tokyo Engineering Consultants : Nippon Jogesuido Sekkei
| 1998.6
The study on sewerage system of Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea. -Main report
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Tokyo Engineering Consultants : Nippon Jogesuido Sekkei
| 1998.6
The study on sewerage system of Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea. -Appendix
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Tokyo Engineering Consultants : Nippon Jogesuido Sekkei
| 1998.6
パプア・ニューギニア国ポートモレスビー市下水道整備計画調査要約. -
| 国際協力事業団 : 東京設計事務所 : 日本上下水道設計
| 1998.6
パプア・ニューギニア国 地方部地下水開発・給水計画調査事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 2000.2
パプア・ニューギニア国 地方都市給水計画予備調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 2000.5
パプア・ニューギニア国 地方都市給水計画基本設計調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団 : パシフィックコンサルタンツインターナショナル
| 2001.1
Basic design study report on the project for town water supply in Papua New Guinea. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Pacific Consultants International
| 2001.1
パプア・ニューギニア国 地方部地下水開発・給水計画調査ファイナル・レポート 要約. -
| 国際協力事業団 : 日本テクノ
| 2002.2
The study on groundwater development for water supply systems in Papua New Guinea final report : summary report. -
| Japan Interantional Cooperation Agency : Japan Techno Co., Ltd.
| 2002.2
The study on groundwater development for water supply systems in Papua New Guinea final report : main report. -
| Japan Interantional Cooperation Agency : Japan Techno Co., Ltd.
| 2002.2
The study on groundwater development for water supply systems in Papua New Guinea final report : supporting report. -
| Japan Interantional Cooperation Agency : Japan Techno Co., Ltd.
| 2002.2
The study on groundwater development for water supply systems in Papua New Guinea final report : data book. -
| Japan Interantional Cooperation Agency : Japan Techno Co., Ltd.
| 2002.2
The project for the study on Lae-Nadzab urban development plan in Papua New Guinea : final report. -
| The project for the study on Lae-Nadzab urban development plan in Papua New Guinea : final report. -- Japan International Cooperation Agency : Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd. : Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd., 2017.2.
| 2017.2
パプアニューギニア国 レイ-ナザブ都市開発計画プロジェクトファイナルレポート(要約版). -
| パプアニューギニア国 レイ-ナザブ都市開発計画プロジェクトファイナルレポート(要約版). -- 国際協力機構 : 八千代エンジニヤリング : 国際航業 , 2017.2.
| 2017.2
The project for the study on Lae-Nadzab urban development plan in Papua New Guinea final report : summary. -
| The project for the study on Lae-Nadzab urban development plan in Papua New Guinea final report : summary. -- Japan International Cooperation Agency : Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd. : Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd., 2017.2.
| 2017.2
パプアニューギニア国 海水淡水化装置を用いた住民向け飲料水の販売事業モデル構築のための案件化調査業務完了報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : ワイズグローバルビジョン
| 2018.7
パプアニューギニア国 炭化装置による有機廃棄物の削減と再利用による循環型社会構築のための案件化調査業務完了報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : 五友エコワークス
| 2019.2
Port Moresby wastewater management improvement project in the Independent State of Papua New Guinia : project completion report [electronic resource]. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nihon Suiko Sekkei Co., Ltd. : Japan Techno Co., Ltd.
| 2020.5
パプアニューギニア国 ポートモレスビー下水道管理能力向上プロジェクト【有償勘定技術支援】事業完了報告書[電子資料]. -
| 国際協力機構 : 日本水工設計 : 日本テクノ
| 2020.5
パプアニューギニア国 ポートモレスビー下水道整備事業詳細設計(その2)報告書 和文要約. -
| 国際協力機構 : エヌジェーエス・コンサルタンツ
| 2011.12
Detailed design (phase 2) on Port Moresby sewerage system upgrading project in the Independent State of Papua New Guinea : final report ; Pt. 1 - [Vol. 1]. - Pt. 1 : design report, Vol. 1 : main report
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : NJS Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2011.12
Detailed design (phase 2) on Port Moresby sewerage system upgrading project in the Independent State of Papua New Guinea : final report ; Pt. 1 - [Vol. 2]. - Pt. 1 : design report, Vol. 2 : design report
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : NJS Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2011.12
Detailed design (phase 2) on Port Moresby sewerage system upgrading project in the Independent State of Papua New Guinea : final report ; Pt. 1 - [Vol. 3]. - Pt. 1 : design report, Vol. 3 : result of natural condition surveys
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : NJS Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2011.12
Detailed design (phase 2) on Port Moresby sewerage system upgrading project in the Independent State of Papua New Guinea : final report ; Pt. 1 - [Vol. 4]. - Pt. 1 : design report, Vol. 4 : priced bill of quantity
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : NJS Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2011.12
Detailed design (phase 2) on Port Moresby sewerage system upgrading project in the Independent State of Papua New Guinea : final report ; Pt. 2. - Pt. 2 : bidding documents : PQ application documents
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : NJS Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2011.12
Detailed design (phase 2) on Port Moresby sewerage system upgrading project in the Independent State of Papua New Guinea : final report ; Pt. 2 - [Vol. 1]. - Pt. 2 : bidding documents, Vol. 1 : instructions, conditions of contract, bidding form
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : NJS Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2011.12
Detailed design (phase 2) on Port Moresby sewerage system upgrading project in the Independent State of Papua New Guinea : final report ; Pt. 2 - [Vol. 2]. - Pt. 2 : bidding documents, Vol. 2 : bill of quantities
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : NJS Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2011.12
Detailed design (phase 2) on Port Moresby sewerage system upgrading project in the Independent State of Papua New Guinea : final report ; Pt. 2 - [Vol. 3-A]. - Pt. 2 : bidding documents, Vol. 3 : technical specifications : A: particular specification
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : NJS Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2011.12
Detailed design (phase 2) on Port Moresby sewerage system upgrading project in the Independent State of Papua New Guinea : final report ; Pt. 2 - [Vol. 3-B]. - Pt. 2 : bidding documents, Vol. 3 : technical specifications : B: standard specification
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : NJS Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2011.12
Detailed design (phase 2) on Port Moresby sewerage system upgrading project in the Independent State of Papua New Guinea : final report ; Pt. 2 - [Vol. 4]. - Pt. 2 : bidding documents, Vol. 4 : tender drawings
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : NJS Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2011.12