JICA報告書PDF版(JICA Report PDF) |
道路工学 Engineering of roads and highways |
ケニア Kenya |
書名 (Title)
| 出版者 (Publisher)
| 刊行年月 (Published year/month)
ケニア共和国ナイロビバイパス建設計画調査事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1986.7
ケニヤ共和国 運輸通信省ナイロビバイパス建設計画調査報告書 概要版. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1988.2
The Nairobi bypass construction project feasibility study : final report ; Vol. 1. -Contents : Summary.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1988.2
The Nairobi bypass construction project feasibility study : final report ; Vol. 2. -Contents : Main.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1988.2
The Nairobi bypass construction project feasibility study : final report ; Vol. 3. -Contents : Appendix.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1988.2
The Nairobi bypass construction project feasibility study : final report ; Vol. 4. -Contents : Drawings.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1988.2
ケニア共和国 ナイロビバイパス建設計画調査(実施設計)事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1989.3
ケニア共和国 ナイロビバイパス建設計画調査(実施設計) 要約. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1992.9
ケニア共和国 ナイロビバイパス建設計画調査実施設計報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1992.9
ケニア共和国 ナイロビバイパス建設計画調査実施設計報告書(土質及び材料調査). -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1992.9
Detailed design study on the Nairobi bypass project. Summary. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
Detailed design study on the Nairobi bypass project. Main. Materials investigations and pavement design. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
Detailed design study on the Nairobi bypass project. Detailed calculations for quantities ; Vol. 3.-
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
Detailed design study on the Nairobi bypass project. Detailed calculations for quantities ; Vol. 2.-
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
Detailed design study on the Nairobi bypass project. Detailed calculations for quantities ; Vol. 1.-
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
Detailed design study on the Nairobi bypass project. Land acquisition plan. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
Detailed design study on the Nairobi bypass project. Engineering report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
Detailed design study on the Nairobi bypass project. Factual materials report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
Detailed design study on the Nairobi bypass project. Geometric design results. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
Detailed design study on the Nairobi bypass project. Cost estimate. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
Contract no... for construction of Nairobi bypass. Draft ; Part. 1. -Contents : Tender documents.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
Detailed design study on the Nairobi bypass project. Structural calculations computor output ; Vol.1. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
Detailed design study on the Nairobi bypass project. Structural calculations computor output ; Vol.2. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
Nairobi bypass project. Prequalification documents for contract no... Draft. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
Detailed design study on the Nairobi bypass project. Coordinate tables. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
Detailed design study on the Nairobi bypass project. Materials report. (Appendixes). Materials investigations and pavement design. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
The Nairobi bypass project detailed design study. Final report. Part II ; Vol. 1. -Contents : Drawings.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992.9
The Nairobi bypass project detailed design study. Final report. Part II ; Vol. 2. -Contents : Drawings.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992.9
The Nairobi bypass project detailed design study. Final report. Part II ; Vol. 3. -Contents : Drawings.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
The Nairobi bypass project detailed design study. Final report. Part II ; Vol. 4. -Contents : Drawings.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
The Nairobi bypass project detailed design study. Final report. Part II ; Vol. 5. -Contents : Drawings.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
The Nairobi bypass project detailed design study. Final report. Part II ; Vol. 6. -Contents : Drawings.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
The Nairobi bypass project detailed design study. Final report. Part II ; Vol. 7. -Contents : Drawings.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
The Nairobi bypass project detailed design study. Final report. Part II ; Vol. 8. -Contents : Drawings.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
The Nairobi bypass project detailed design study. Final report. Land acquisition plan. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
The Nairobi bypass project detailed design study. Final report. Cross section (Junction). (Drawings). -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
The Nairobi bypass project detailed design study. Final report. Cross section (Main road). (Drawings). -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1992,9
Basic design study report on the project for maintenance equipment of road and bridge in Republic ofKenya. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1993.2
ケニア共和国道路・橋梁機材整備計画基本設計調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1993.2
ケニア共和国道路網整備マスタープラン調査事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団社会開発調査部
| 1993.11
ケニア共和国 道路網整備マスタープラン調査最終報告書 要約編. -
| 国際協力事業団 : パシフィックコンサルタンツインターナショナル : 建設企画コンサルタント
| 1995.5
A road network development master plan study : final report : summary. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Pacific Consultants International : Construction Project Consultants
| 1995.5
A road network development master plan study : final report ; Vol. 1. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Pacific Consultants International : Construction Project Consultants
| 1995.5
A road network development master plan study : final report ; Vol. 2. -Annex 1 : traffic simulationresults
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Pacific Consultants International : Construction Project Consultants
| 1995.5
A road network development master plan study : final report ; Vol. 2. -. Annex 2: tTechnical assessment of the existing road network
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Pacific Consultants International : Construction Project Consultants
| 1995.5
A road network development master plan study : final report ; Vol. 2. -Annex 3 : Project & maintenance implementation schedule
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Pacific Consultants International : Construction Project Consultants
| 1995.5
ケニア国 西部地区地方道改善計画調査事前調査(S/W協議)報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1998.9
ケニア 西部地区地方道路整備計画調査ファイナルレポート 和文要約編. -
| 国際協力事業団 : パシフィックコンサルタンツインターナショナル : 建設企画コンサルタント
| 1999.12
The study on rural roads improvement in western Kenya final report : summary. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Pacific Consultants International : Construction Project Consultants, Inc.
| 1999.12
The study on rural roads improvement in western Kenya : final report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Pacific Consultants International : Construction Project Consultants, Inc.
| 1999.12
ケニア国 道路維持管理民間活用促進計画調査事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 2000.8
ケニア共和国 道路維持管理システム整備計画調査ファイナルレポート 要約編. -
| 国際協力事業団 : オリエンタルコンサルタンツ : 日本海外コンサルタンツ
| 2003.2
The study on road maintenance system under the framework of the Kenya Roads Board : final report ; Vol. 1 of 3. -Executive summary
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Japan Overseas Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2003.2
The study on road maintenance system under the framework of the Kenya Roads Board : final report ; Vol. 2 of 3. -Main text
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Japan Overseas Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2003.2
The study on road maintenance system under the framework of the Kenya Roads Board : final report ; Vol. 3 of 3. -Appendices & annexes
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Japan Overseas Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2003.2
ケニア国 道路維持管理プロジェクト事前評価調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構ケニア事務所
| 2005.12
ケニア国 ナイロビミッシングリンク建設計画予備調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構経済基盤開発部
| 2008.9
ケニア共和国 ナイロビ西部環状道路建設計画準備調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : 片平エンジニアリングインターナショナル
| 2009.11
Preparatory survey report on the project for the construction of Nairobi western ring roads in the Republic of Kenya. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Katahira & Engineers International
| 2009.11
ケニア国 ウゴング道路拡幅計画準備調査(その1)報告書. -
| 国際協力機構経済基盤開発部
| 2010.1
ケニア共和国 道路メンテナンス業務の外部委託化に関する監理能力強化プロジェクト事前評価調査報告書 ; 平成21年度. -
| 国際協力機構ケニア事務所
| 2010.4
ケニア共和国 ウゴング道路拡幅計画準備調査報告書(簡易製本版). -
| 国際協力機構 : 片平エンジニアリング・インターナショナル
| 2011.3
The preparatory survey report on the project for dualling of Nairobi-Dagoreti corner road C60/C61 inthe Republic of Kenya. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Katahira & Engineers International
| 2011.3
ケニア共和国「道路維持管理業務の外部委託化に関する監理能力強化プロジェクト(フェーズ2)」終了時評価調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構社会基盤・平和構築部
| 2015.7
ケニア共和国 ウゴング道路拡幅計画準備調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : 片平エンジニアリング・インターナショナル
| 2011.3
ケニア国 道路維持管理業務の外部委託化に関する監理能力強化プロジェクト(フェーズ2) プロジェクト業務完了報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : JICA短期専門家チーム : 建設技研インターナショナル : 阪神高速道路
| 2016.5
Practical training : material : performance based road maintenance contract : project for strengthening of capacity on road maintenance management through contracting (phase 2). -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| [2016.5]
Cost estimation manual for performance based road maintenance contract : strengthening of capacity on road maintenance management through contracting (phase 2) ; Vol.1. - Manual for cost estimation administrators
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 2016.2
Cost estimation manual for performance based road maintenance contract : strengthening of capacity on road maintenance management through contracting (phase 2) ; Vol.2. - Manual for government cost estimators
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 2016.2
Cost estimation manual for performance based road maintenance contract : strengthening of capacity on road maintenance management through contracting (phase 2) ; Vol.3. - Manual for contractors' reference & use
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 2016.2
Performance based road maintenance contract : PBC guideline : strengthening of capacity on road maintenance management through contracting (phase 2). -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 2016.2
Republic of Kenya, the project for strengthening capacity on road maintenance management through contracting (phase 2) : project completion report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Short Term Expert Team : CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd. : Hanshin Expressway Company Limited
| 2016.5
Practical training : material : performance based road maintenance contract : project for strengthening of capacity on road maintenance management through contracting (phase 2). -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| [2016.5]
Cost estimation manual for performance based road maintenance contract : strengthening of capacity on road maintenance management through contracting (phase 2) ; Vol.1. - Manual for cost estimation administrators
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 2016.2
Cost estimation manual for performance based road maintenance contract : strengthening of capacity on road maintenance management through contracting (phase 2) ; Vol.2. - Manual for government cost estimators
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 2016.2
Cost estimation manual for performance based road maintenance contract : strengthening of capacity on road maintenance management through contracting (phase 2) ; Vol.3. - Manual for contractors' reference & use
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 2016.2
Performance based road maintenance contract : PBC guideline : strengthening of capacity on road maintenance management through contracting (phase 2). -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 2016.2
特定テーマ評価調査報告書 : 道路セクター : ケニア、タンザニア、ザンビア ; 平成7年度. -
| 国際協力事業団企画部評価管理課
| 1996.3
ケニア共和国 ウゴング道路拡幅計画フェーズ2準備調査報告書(簡易製本版). -
| 国際協力機構 : 片平エンジニアリング・インターナショナル
| 2017.6
The preparatory survey on the project for dualling of Nairobi-Dagoreti corner road C60/61 (phase-2) in the Republic of Kenya. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Katahira & Engineers International
| 2017.6
ケニア共和国 ウゴング道路拡幅計画フェーズ2準備調査報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : 片平エンジニアリング・インターナショナル
| 2017.6
Preparatory survey on Mombasa City road development project in the Republic of Kenya : final report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Katahira & Engineers International
| 2011.11
ケニア国 スマートフォンを活用した道路維持管理システム普及・実証・ビジネス化事業(SDGsビジネス支援型)業務完了報告書[電子資料]. -
| 国際協力機構 : JIPテクノサイエンス
| 2024.10