JICA報告書PDF版(JICA Report PDF) |
道路工学 Engineering of roads and highways |
スリランカ Sri Lanka |
書名 (Title)
| 出版者 (Publisher)
| 刊行年月 (Published year/month)
スリランカ民主社会主義共和国 コロンボ周辺道路網整備計画調査報告書 ; 第2巻. -内容:図面編
| 国際協力事業団
| 1984.1
The feasibility study on Colombo - Katunayake expressway and new port access road construction project final report : drawings. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1984.1
The feasibility study on Colombo - Katunayake expressway and new port access road construction project : Final report ; Summary and recommendation. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1984,1
The feasibility study on Colombo - Katunayake expressway and new port access road construction project : Final report ; Text. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1984,1
スリランカ民主社会主義共和国 コロンボ周辺道路網整備計画調査報告書 ; 第1巻. -内容:本文編
| 国際協力事業団
| 1984.1
スリランカ民主社会主義共和国 コロンボ周辺道路網整備計画事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1982.10
スリ・ランカ国 大コロンボ圏外郭環状道路整備計画調査事前調査(S/W協議). -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1998.7
大コロンボ圏 外郭環状道路整備計画調査最終報告書 要約編. -
| 国際協力事業団 : オリエンタルコンサルタンツ
| 2000.2
The study on the outer circular highway of the City of Colombo : final report ; Vol. 1 of 5. -Executive summary
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2000.2
The study on the outer circular highway of the City of Colombo : final report ; Vol. 2 of 5. -Main text 1
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2000.2
The study on the outer circular highway of the City of Colombo : final report ; Vol. 3 of 5. -Main text 2 : annex 1 : traffic survey data & traffic model results -- annex 2 : ground survey data
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2000.2
The study on the outer circular highway of the City of Colombo : final report ; Vol. 4 of 5. -Preliminary drawings
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2000.2
The study on the outer circular highway of the City of Colombo : final report ; Vol. 5 of 5. -Environmental & social impact aasessment Vol. 1 (main text) -- Vol. 2 (figures, tables, maps)
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2000.2
スリ・ランカ民主社会主義共和国 大コロンボ圏外郭環状道路詳細設計事前調査(S/W協議)報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 2001.4
スリ・ランカ民主社会主義共和国 プロジェクト形成調査(道路・橋梁分野)調査結果資料. -
| 国際協力事業団企画部地域第二課
| 1993.5
スリランカ国 東部幹線道路復旧・復興支援プロジェクトファイナルレポート 要約編. -
| 国際協力機構 : オリエンタルコンサルタンツ : 日本工営 : 日本技術開発
| 2006.5
Recovery, rehabilitation and development project for tsunami affected trunk roads on the east coastin the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka : final report ; 1 of 3. -Executive summary
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Japan Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2006.5
Recovery, rehabilitation and development project for tsunami affected trunk roads on the east coastin the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka : final report ; 2 of 3. -Main report
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Japan Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2006.5
Recovery, rehabilitation and development project for tsunami affected trunk roads on the east coastin the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka : final report ; 3 of 3. -Drawings
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Japan Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd.
| 2006.5
スリランカ国 災害脆弱地域における道路防災事業情報収集調査ファイナルレポート ; 1/2. -
| 国際協力機構 : 国際航業 : オリエンタルコンサルタンツ : 国土防災技術
| 2012.12
スリランカ国 災害脆弱地域における道路防災事業情報収集調査ファイナルレポート ; 2/2. -巻末資料
| 国際協力機構 : 国際航業 : オリエンタルコンサルタンツ : 国土防災技術
| 2012.12
The data collection survey on road protection against natural disaster : landslide-disaster : finalreport ; 1/2. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd. : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : JAPAN Conservation Engineers & Co., Ltd.
| 2012.12
The data collection survey on road protection against natural disaster : landslide-disaster : finalreport ; 2/2. -Appendix
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd. : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : JAPAN Conservation Engineers & Co., Ltd.
| 2012.12
The detailed design study on the outer circular highway to the City of Colombo : final report (for northern section 1) [electronic resource] ; 4 of 10. - Draft prequalification documents
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2008.2
The detailed design study on the outer circular highway to the City of Colombo : final report (for northern section 1) [electronic resource] ; 5 of 10. - Draft tender documents : Vol. 1: instruction to bidders, Vol. 2: conditions of contract
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2008.2
The detailed design study on the outer circular highway to the City of Colombo : final report (for northern section 1) [electronic resource] ; 6 of 10. - Draft tender documents : Vol. 3: technical specifications
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2008.2
The detailed design study on the outer circular highway to the City of Colombo : final report (for northern section 1) [electronic resource] ; 7 of 10. Draft tender documents : Vol. 4: bill of quantities, Vol. 5: data provided by employer
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2008.2
The detailed design study on the outer circular highway to the City of Colombo : final report (for northern section 1) [electronic resource] ; 8 of 10. - Vol. 6-1/3: drawings : general
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2008.2
The detailed design study on the outer circular highway to the City of Colombo : final report (for northern section 1) [electronic resource] ; 9 of 10. - Vol. 6-2/3: drawings : bridges
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2008.2
The detailed design study on the outer circular highway to the City of Colombo : final report (for northern section 1) [electronic resource] ; 10 of 10. - Vol. 6-3/3: drawings : cross sections
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2008.2
大コロンボ圏外郭環状道路詳細設計調査最終報告書(北部区間1) 要約編. -
| 国際協力機構 : オリエンタルコンサルタンツ : パシフィックコンサルタンツインターナショナル
| 2008.2
The detailed design study on the outer circular highway to the City of Colombo : final report (for northern section 1) ; 1 of 3 ; [1 of 10]. - Executive summary
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2008.2
The detailed design study on the outer circular highway to the City of Colombo : final report (for northern section 1) ; 2 of 3 ; [2 of 10]. - Main text
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2008.2
The detailed design study on the outer circular highway to the City of Colombo : final report (for northern section 1) ; 3 of 3 ; [3 of 10]. - Design standards
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. : Pacific Consultants International
| 2008.2
スリランカ民主社会主義共和国 道路トンネル事業計画能力向上支援(有償勘定技術支援)業務完了報告書. -
| 国際協力機構 : 地球システム科学 : 日本工営
| 2018.2
The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, technical assistance for improvement of capacity for planning of road tunnels : final report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Earth System Science Co., Ltd. : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 2018.2
Guideline on site investigation for rock mass classification system in Sri Lanka. - スリランカ道路トンネル事業計画能力向上支援プロジェクト成果品
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Road Development Authority (RDA)
| 2018.2
Guideline for rock mass classification system. - スリランカ道路トンネル事業計画能力向上支援プロジェクト成果品
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Road Development Authority (RDA)
| 2018.2
Guideline for design of road tunnel. - スリランカ道路トンネル事業計画能力向上支援プロジェクト成果品
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Road Development Authority (RDA)
| 2018.2
Guideline for environmental impact study : groundwater. - スリランカ道路トンネル事業計画能力向上支援プロジェクト成果品
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Road Development Authority (RDA)
| 2018.2