JICA報告書PDF版(JICA Report PDF) |
経済政策,経済開発 Economic policy. Economic development |
タイ Thailand |
書名 (Title)
| 出版者 (Publisher)
| 刊行年月 (Published year/month)
タイ政府第4次5ヶ年計画骨子(1977-1981) : タイに関する顧問グループ6回会議-パリにて開催-国立経済社会開発
機関1975年12月16日-17日. -
| [国際協力事業団]社会開発協力部
| 1976.6
タイ王国 南タイ北部地域総合開発計画調査事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1983.2
タイ王国 南タイ北部地域総合開発計画調査最終報告書 要約と結論. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1985.3
The Sub-regional development study of the upper-southern part of Thailand. Final report ; ; Volume 1
. -Contents : Master plan.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1985,3
The Sub-regional development study of the upper-southern part of Thailand. Final report ; ; Volume 2
. -Contents : Transportation.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1985,3
The Sub-regional development study of the upper-southern part of Thailand. Final report ; ; Volume 3
. -Contents : Urban development.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1985,3
The Sub-regional development study of the upper-southern part of Thailand. Final report ; ; Volume 4
. -Contents : Industry.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1985,3
The Sub-regional development study of the upper-southern part of Thailand. Final report ; ; Volume 7
. -Contents : Tourism.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1985,3
The Sub-regional development study of the upper-southern part of Thailand. Final report ; ; Volume 5
. -Contents : Energy.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1985,3
The Sub-regional development study of the upper-southern part of Thailand. Final report ; ; Volume 6
. -Contents : Primary resources.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1985,3
タイ王国中央平原北部地域総合開発計画調査事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1988.8
タイ国パタヤ地区総合開発計画調査事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1989.2
タイ王国 中央平原北部地域総合開発計画プロジェクト形成基礎報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団企画部
| 1988.4
タイ国パタヤ地区総合開発計画調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1990.6
The Master plan study for the development of Phatthaya area. Final report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1990,6
The Master plan study for the development of Phatthaya area. Final report. Summary. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1990,6
Upper central region study. Executive summary : A Tri-sectoror balanced region : Emerging from the m
etropolitan shadow. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1990,11
Upper central region study. Master plan : A Tri-sectoror balanced region : Emerging from the metropo
litan shadow. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1990,11
Upper central region study. Sector report : A Tri-sectoror balanced region : Emerging from the metro
politan shadow ; Vol. 11. -Contents : Landsat analysis.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1990,11
Upper central region study. Sector report : A Tri-sectoror balanced region : Emerging from the metro
politan shadow ; Vol. 1. -Spatial framework and network for development.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1990,11
Upper central region study. Sector report : A Tri-sectoror balanced region : Emerging from the metro
politan shadow ; Vol. 2. -Contents : Urban management.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1990,11
Upper central region study. Sector report : A Tri-sectoror balanced region : Emerging from the metro
politan shadow ; Vol. 3. -Contents : Environmental management.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1990,11
Upper central region study. Sector report : A Tri-sectoror balanced region : Emerging from the metro
politan shadow ; Vol. 4. -Contents : Water resource management, agricultural development and land us
e management.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1990,11
Upper central region study. Sector report : Tri-sectoror balanced region : Emerging from the metropo
litan shadow ; Vol. 5. -Contents : Industrial development.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1990,11
Upper central region study. Sector report : A Tri-sectoror balanced region : Emerging from the metro
politan shadow ; Vol. 6. -Contents : Distribution and marketing.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1990.11
Upper central region study. Sector report : A Tri-sectoror balanced region : Emerging from the metro
politan shadow ; Vol. 7. -Contents : Energy.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1990,11
Upper central region study. Sector report : A Tri-sectoror balanced region : Emerging from the metro
politan shadow ; Vol. 8. -Contents : social development in rural economies.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1990,11
Upper central region study. Sector report : A Tri-sectoror balanced region : Emerging from the metro
politan shadow ; Vol. 9. -Contents : International and national economic environment.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1990,11
Upper central region study. Sector report : A Tri-sectoror balanced region : Emerging from the metro
politan shadow ; Vol. 10. -Contents : Human reosurce development.
| Japan International Cooperation Agency
| 1990,11
タイ国中央平原北部地域総合開発計画調査最終報告書マスタープラン. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1990.11
タイ国中央平原北部地域総合開発計画調査最終報告書要約. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1990.11
タイ王国東北タイ南部・東部タイ北部地域総合開発計画調査事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 1991.12
The study on the regional development plan for the lower northeast and the upper east regions in the
Kingdom of Thailand final report : executive summary. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 1993.9
The study on the regional development plan for the lower northeast and the upper east regions in the
Kingdom of Thailand : final report ; 1. -Contents : agriculture
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 1993.9
タイ国 東北タイ南部・東部タイ北部地域総合開発計画調査最終報告書 要約版. -
| 国際協力事業団社会開発調査部 : 日本工営
| 1993.9
The study on the regional development plan for the lower northeast and the upper east regions in the
Kingdom of Thailand final report : main report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 1993.9
The study on the regional development plan for the lower northeast and the upper east regions in the
Kingdom of Thailand : final report ; 2. -Contents : industry
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 1993.9
The study on the regional development plan for the lower northeast and the upper east regions in the
Kingdom of Thailand : final report ; 3. -Contents : tourism
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 1993.9
The study on the regional development plan for the lower northeast and the upper east regions in the
Kingdom of Thailand : final report ; 4. -Contents : trade and distribution
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 1993.9
The study on the regional development plan for the lower northeast and the upper east regions in the
Kingdom of Thailand : final report ; 5. -Contents : land and environment
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 1993.9
The study on the regional development plan for the lower northeast and the upper east regions in the
Kingdom of Thailand : final report ; 6. -Contents : water resources
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 1993.9
The study on the regional development plan for the lower northeast and the upper east regions in the
Kingdom of Thailand : final report ; 7. -Contents : power and energy
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 1993.9
The study on the regional development plan for the lower northeast and the upper east regions in the
Kingdom of Thailand : final report ; 8. -Contents : telecommunications
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 1993.9
The study on the regional development plan for the lower northeast and the upper east regions in the
Kingdom of Thailand : final report ; 9. -Contents : transportation
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 1993.9
The study on the regional development plan for the lower northeast and the upper east regions in the
Kingdom of Thailand : final report ; 10. -Contents : urban system
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 1993.9
The study on the regional development plan for the lower northeast and the upper east regions in the
Kingdom of Thailand : final report ; 11. -Contents : socio-economy and social systems
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 1993.9
The study on the regional development plan for the lower northeast and the upper east regions in the
Kingdom of Thailand : final report ; 12. -Contents : finance and institution
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 1993.9
The study on the regional development plan for the lower northeast and the upper east regions in the
Kingdom of Thailand : final report ; 13. -Contents : preliminary feasibility analysis on selected p
riority projects
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
| 1993.9
開発調査案件に関するフォローアップ調査報告書(地域総合開発計画分野) : タイ王国, インドネシア共和国 ;
平成5年度. -
| 国際協力事業団 : 国際開発センター : 日本国際協力センター
| 1994.3
タイ王国 西部臨海地域開発マスタープラン調査事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団基礎調査部
| 1995.12
タイ国 西部臨海地域開発マスター・プラン調査最終報告書 要約. -
| 国際協力事業団 : 日本工営 : パデコ
| 1997.6
Western seaboard regional development master plan final report : executive summary. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Padeco Co., Ltd.
| 1997.6
Western seaboard regional development master plan : final report ; Vol. 1. -Main report
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Padeco Co., Ltd.
| 1997.6
Western seaboard regional development master plan : final report ; Vol. 2. -Social environment
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Padeco Co., Ltd.
| 1997.6
Western seaboard regional development master plan : final report ; Vol. 3. -Macroeconomic perspectiv
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Padeco Co., Ltd.
| 1997.6
Western seaboard regional development master plan : final report ; Vol. 4. -Spatial development and
land use
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Padeco Co., Ltd.
| 1997.6
Western seaboard regional development master plan : final report ; Vol. 5. -Rural and urban developm
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Padeco Co., Ltd.
| 1997.6
Western seaboard regional development master plan : final report ; Vol. 6. -Agricultural development
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Padeco Co., Ltd.
| 1997.6
Western seaboard regional development master plan : final report ; Vol. 7. -Industrial development
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Padeco Co., Ltd.
| 1997.6
Western seaboard regional development master plan : final report ; Vol. 8. -Tourism development
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Padeco Co., Ltd.
| 1997.6
Western seaboard regional development master plan : final report ; Vol. 9. -Infrastructure developme
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Padeco Co., Ltd.
| 1997.6
Western seaboard regional development master plan : final report ; Vol. 10. -Institutional developme
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. : Padeco Co., Ltd.
| 1997.6
タイ国 東北部国境地域総合開発計画調査事前調査報告書. -
| 国際協力事業団
| 2000.1
タイ・ラオス 国境地域総合開発計画調査 : 国境地域の開発ビジョンと協力プログラム : ラオス国 サバナケッ
ト及びカムアン地域総合開発計画調査 : タイ国 東北タイ国境地域総合開発計画調査 : 最終報告書 要約. -
| 国際協力事業団 : 国際開発センター : コーエイ総合研究所 : パシフィックコンサルタンツインターナショナル
| 2001.9
タイ・ラオス 国境地域総合開発計画調査 : タイ国 東北タイ国境地域総合開発計画調査 : 最終報告書 要約. -
| 国際協力事業団 : パシフィックコンサルタンツインターナショナル : 国際開発センター : コーエイ総合研究所
| 2001.9
タイ・ラオス 国境地域総合開発計画調査 : ラオス国 サバナケット及びカムアン地域総合開発計画調査 : 最終
報告書 要約. -
| 国際協力事業団 : コーエイ総合研究所 : 国際開発センター : パシフィックコンサルタンツインターナショナル
| 2001.9
The study on the integrated regional development plan for the Savannaket and Khammouan region in the
Lao PDR and the northeastern border region in the Kingdom of Thailand : development vision and coop
eration programs for the cross border region : final report : summary. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : International Development Center of Japan : KRI International : Pacific Consultants International
| 2001.9
The study on the integrated regional development plan for the Savannaket and Khammouan region in the
Lao PDR and the northeastern border region in the Kingdom of Thailand : development vision and coop
eration programs for the cross border region : final report. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : International Development Center of Japan : KRI International : Pacific Consultants International
| 2001.9
The study on the integrated regional development plan for the Savannaket and Khammouan region in the
Lao PDR and the northeastern border region in the Kingdom of Thailand : the study on the integrated
regional development plan for the northeastern border region in the Kingdom of Thailand : final rep
ort : summary. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Pacific Consultants International : International Development Center of Japan : KRI International
| 2001.9
The study on the integrated regional development plan for the Savannaket and Khammouan region in the
Lao PDR and the northeastern border region in the Kingdom of Thailand : the study on the integrated
regional development plan for the northeastern border region in the Kingdom of Thailand : final rep
ort : master plan. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Pacific Consultants International : International Development Center of Japan : KRI International
| 2001.9
The study on the integrated regional development plan for the Savannaket and Khammouan region in the
Lao PDR and the northeastern border region in the Kingdom of Thailand : the study on the integrated
regional development plan for the northeastern border region in the Kingdom of Thailand : final rep
ort : sector plan. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Pacific Consultants International : International Development Center of Japan : KRI International
| 2001.9
The study on the integrated regional development plan for the Savannaket and Khammouan region in the
Lao PDR and the northeastern border region in the Kingdom of Thailand : the study on the integrated
regional development plan for the northeastern border region in the Kingdom of Thailand : final rep
ort : pre-feasibility study. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Pacific Consultants International : International Development Center of Japan : KRI International
| 2001.9
The study on the integrated regional development plan for the Savannaket and Khammouan region in the
Lao PDR and the northeastern border region in the Kingdom of Thailand : the study on the integrated
regional development plan for the Savannaket and Khammouan region in the Lao People's Democratic Re
public : final report : summary. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : KRI International : International Development Center of Japan : Pacific Consultants International
| 2001.9
The study on the integrated regional development plan for the Savannaket and Khammouan region in the
Lao PDR and the northeastern border region in the Kingdom of Thailand : the study on the integrated
regional development plan for the Savannaket and Khammouan region in the Lao People's Democratic Re
public : final report ; Pt. 1. -Main part
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : KRI International : International Development Center of Japan : Pacific Consultants International
| 2001.9
The study on the integrated regional development plan for the Savannaket and Khammouan region in the
Lao PDR and the northeastern border region in the Kingdom of Thailand : the study on the integrated
regional development plan for the Savannaket and Khammouan region in the Lao People's Democratic Re
public : final report ; Pt. 2. -Secotr report
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : KRI International : International Development Center of Japan : Pacific Consultants International
| 2001.9
The study on the integrated regional development plan for the Savannaket and Khammouan region in the
Lao PDR and the northeastern border region in the Kingdom of Thailand : the study on the integrated
regional development plan for the Savannaket and Khammouan region in the Lao People's Democratic Re
public : final report ; Pt. 3. -Key programs study report
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : KRI International : International Development Center of Japan : Pacific Consultants International
| 2001.9
外部機関による評価 : タイ 首都圏と地方との地域間格差是正報告書(要約版) ; 2000年度. -
| 国際協力事業団 : 国際開発学会
| 2001.3
外部機関による評価 : タイ 首都圏と地方との地域間格差是正報告書 ; 2000年度. -
| 国際協力事業団 : 国際開発学会
| 2001.3
Evaluation by external organizations : alleviating regional disparity between the Bangkok metropolit
an area and the northeastern region : a case of the Kingdom of Thailand : summary ; JFY2000. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Japan Society for International Development (JASID)
| 2001.3
Evaluation by external organizations : alleviating regional disparity between the Bangkok metropolit
an area and the northeastern region : a case of the Kingdom of Thailand ; JFY2000. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Japan Society for International Development (JASID)
| 2001.3
Evaluation by external organizations : alleviating regional disparity between the Bangkok metropolit
an area and the northeastern region : a case of the Kingdom of Thailand : summary (translated title)
; JFY2000. -
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : Japan Society for International Development (JASID)
| 2001.3
外部機関による評価 : タイ 首都圏と地方との地域間格差是正セミナー報告書 ; 2001年度. -
| 国際協力事業団 : 国際開発学会
| 2002.3
The study of monitoring and evaluation model on the one tambon one product development policy : fina
l report. -在外事務所作成(タイ)
| Japan International Cooperation Agency : TEAM Consulting Engineering and Management Co., Ltd. : ASDECON Corp., Ltd.
| 2003.3